Have you ever placed metal-based objects or materials directly on your concrete, and on removing them, you notice rust stains on the surface?
Several questions, like what might have caused the stains and how to get rid of them, might have popped into your mind.
A common problem you may have faced at one point concerning your concrete is rust stains on the surfaces-floors, pavements, or walls. Rust stains are dark orange spots that may appear on the concrete over a while.
These stains start with a faded appearance on the concrete, and if you don’t address or sort out this problem fast, the rust stains penetrate through the surface and may become quite hard to remove.
Rust stains on concrete are unsightly, and they diminish the aesthetic appeal of the concrete. These stains occur due to different underlying factors that may include:
- Soft Rocks
- Rebar
- Fertilizer
- Metal decorations, furniture, or tools
- Battery Acid
In this article, you’ll get information on the causes of rust stains on concrete, how to prevent them, and how to get rid of them. So, continue reading the article below.
5 Major Causes of Rust Stains on Concrete

If you’ve ever noticed rust stains on your concrete, and you don’t know what caused them, or someone you know is looking for a solution to this problem. Here are the 5 major causes of rust stains on concrete and their solution:
1. Soft Rock

Soft rocks may be found on concrete as they may have been in your cement during construction. There are small deposits of iron found in these soft rocks.
Whenever your concrete comes into contact with water, the iron in the soft rocks absorbs the water, thereby leading to rust stains on your concrete.
2. Rebar

These are the reinforcing steel bars used during construction embedded within the concrete. They are used to strengthen concrete under tension.
Generally, steel has plenty of iron present with added carbon depending on the quality. Whenever you expose the steel to weather elements, you may notice that the condition of the bars deteriorates with time.
Rust stains may occur where these bars enjoin with the concrete.
3. Fertilizer

Most fertilizers used contain the chemical element- iron.
Whenever you place fertilizer on the concrete floor, moisture forms underneath and combines with the fertilizer’s mineral residue.
This residue gets absorbed by the concrete, and a rust stain develops.
4. Metal Decorations, Furniture, or Tools

You may have noticed that heavy metal decorations, furniture (chairs, cabinets, tables), and tools easily rust when exposed to oxygen and come into contact with substances like water or moisture.
This is because these objects are mostly made of steel which, when corroded, results in rust. When you leave these objects on the concrete, which is already rusted, stains form on the wall or the floor.
5. Battery Acid

Battery acid may also be a cause of rust stains on concrete.
Battery acid stains on concrete look like rust since the acid corrodes the metal deposits present on the concrete.
It would be best if you were very careful when handling battery acid since they produce highly corrosive gases, which are dangerous when inhaled.

Of course, it’s always better to prevent these rust stains than to remedy them. To ensure that your concrete always remains in perfect condition and rust stains don’t form, you can take several measures:
- Apply a good quality sealer periodically, especially during the rainy season and when it’s humid. The concrete’s life span is extended, prevents staining, and your concrete always looks pleasant.
- Use protective covers or mats on your concrete before placing anything that contains steel, iron, or any other metal.
- Ensure there is no liquid or moisture left on your concrete. It should always remain dry.
- You can also consider using decorative concrete colors to minimize the formation of rust stains.

Don’t worry If you happen to have rust stains on your concrete. Solutions to this problem are readily available.
You can use these methods:
Commercial Rust Stain Cleaners To Remove the Stains

You can buy commercial rust stain cleaners from your local hardware store or even online, and in most cases are used to remove stubborn rust stains that have seeped into the concrete and, thus, are hard to remove.
Chemicals that contain oxalic acid, trisodium phosphate, and hydrochloric acid work best on stubborn stains.
There are many commercial rust-stain cleaners available in the market. Therefore, before choosing a cleaner to use, research online or enquire from your local hardware store about the best one.
Before purchasing, you should also note that these commercial rust stain cleaners are highly toxic to touch, smell, and when ingested. Take precautions when handling them by wearing gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothes.
Test them on a small surface first to prevent further staining your concrete.
Ensure that you read the warning label carefully before use.
Natural Cleaners

You may have noticed fresh rust stains that have a faint appearance and have not yet penetrated the concrete. In that case, you can use acidic cleaners that are natural and easily found at home. These natural cleaners may include:
- Detergents- Dishwashing or laundry
- Lemon Juice
- Baking Powder
These are easier to use. Choose any one, and start by applying it on the rust-stained concrete, allow it to soak and react, then scrub the surface using a hard-bristled brush multiple times.
Finally, rinse using warm water. If the rust stains are too stubborn, repeat the above process severally, as needed.
In summary, we have looked at several causes of rust stains on concrete and several measures you can take to ensure that rust stains don’t form on your concrete.
We’ve also looked at solutions to this problem and methods of removing rust stains from your concrete.
Don’t panic, as you can always find a solution to any problem, rust stains on concrete included.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Use Coca-Cola To Remove Rust Stains?
Yes, Coca-Cola has a high concentration of phosphoric acid. Due to this fact, you can use it to remove minor rust stains on concrete.
What Quantity of Commercial Rust Stain Cleaners or Natural Cleansers Do You Use?
It all depends on the concrete surface that needs cleansing, as well as the condition of the rust stain.
Instructions for use are on the label of commercial rust stain cleaners that are store-bought.
For natural cleaners, use 1/4 cup baking soda with one tablespoon of washing detergent. Two tablespoons of lemon juice in one cup of water; if you use baking soda and white vinegar together, you can use a 1:1 ratio for better results.
Are Rust Stains on Concrete Permanent?
No, Rust stains may be challenging to remove from concrete, but they are not permanent. When you use appropriate cleansers, you’ll have your concrete looking like new in no time.