Have you accidentally knocked over a bottle of liquid soapy/detergent and now struggle to clean up the mess?
Everybody has had their fair share of soap/detergent spillage over the tears, but most people don’t even realize that they’re spreading a mess around the house.
It’s not uncommon for liquid soap or detergents to get spilled on the floor, but they are tricky to clean up. If you are tired of cleaning up detergent spills on your floor, there’s an easier way:
- Grab a push mop or a broom and a bucket.
- Next, rinse the area with water to remove paper towels and other debris.
- Next, shine with an all-purpose cleaner.
- Finally, use an absorbent, soft cloth to remove soap scum.
- Cover the area with newspaper, then use an old towel to blot moisture from the surface using just enough pressure to allow for drying before taking off the paper.
Follow these tips for cleaning your house when liquid soap or detergent spills.
If you have difficulty cleaning up liquid soap/detergent spills that have happened and need additional information, this article will help you out. It gives you ten tips on how to clean up liquid soap/detergent spills:
How To Clean Up Liquid Soap/Detergent Spills
Have you ever spilled liquid soap/detergent on the carpet or in your kitchen/bathroom? Then you know how slippery and messy it becomes.
The messes can be hard to clean up because the detergent creates a greasy film that makes it hard for a regular cloth to get entirely through the stains.
Below are some ten tips when cleaning up liquid soap/detergent spills:
1. Cover the Spill As Soon as Possible

The sooner you can cover up a liquid soap or detergent spill, the better. But first, cover it with a clean, clear container or piece of cardboard.
This prevents any more liquid from coming out of the container, and it also prevents it from spreading onto other surfaces.
This will also help prevent more damage from occurring, as well as reduce your cleanup efforts. Any liquid can cause a mess on flooring, walls, and other surfaces if left unattended.
Detergents are very slippery, so it’s best not to walk through this area barefoot. Instead, wear shoeshine pads over your socks or slippers so you don’t slip and fall while mopping up the mess.
2. Use Paper Towels To Absorb the Liquid

When you drop a liquid soap or detergent on the floor, it’s important to absorb as much liquid as possible. This is why you should use paper towels because they can absorb more.
If you have a dish rag lying around, that’s fine too, but don’t use fabric that can easily get wet or dirty.
Use a few paper towels to blot up the liquid as soon as it comes out of the container. Don’t allow air bubbles in the area where you’ve spilled the liquid soap or detergent.
If you’re dealing with a lot of liquid soap or detergent on the floor, use a mop and bucket instead of paper towels. You’ll need something that has a long handle, as well as a bucket that’s deep enough to hold more than one gallon of water.
3. Use a Clean Sponge

If you are cleaning up liquid soap or detergent spills, use a clean sponge to soak up the liquid as it soaks through the sponge. This is the best way to avoid spreading any further contamination.
Place the sponge into the spill and apply pressure to soak up as much liquid as possible. If too much soap remains, use another sponge or paper towel to absorb more.
The best way to clean up liquid soap spills is with a soft, absorbent sponge because it does not scratch your surface.
4. Disinfectant Spray Can Be Helpful as Well

Before cleaning up liquid soap and detergent spills, ensure you have disinfecting spray nearby. This is especially true if the spill has already touched the floor or other items that may be contaminated.
A disinfectant spray can help remove any lingering germs from the area and prevent future contamination.
These are available in spray and gel formulas and will help eliminate the smell of whatever has spilled on your floor. They also work great on other types of spills and can help keep your home smelling fresh.
However, they aren’t just for cleaning up liquid soaps; they can also eliminate odors from urine and feces stains.
When using the same products on your hands, then be sure to wash them well afterward so that no bacteria gets into your skin through the cracks in your fingers or around your fingernails.
Many of these products contain chemicals that are harmful to humans and pets. So take caution when using them for the safety of your loved ones.
5. Spray the Area With Baking Soda

You can use baking soda to absorb liquid soap/detergent spills. First, spray the area with baking soda (1 teaspoon per gallon of water). The baking soda acid will neutralize the spilled liquid’s acidic nature.
The acidic nature is why it’s important to neutralize the substance immediately. You don’t want it to get into your wood flooring or any other part of your home that could cause damage.
Let the baking soda sit on the spill for at least 20 minutes to absorb any remaining moisture and odor.
Don’t hesitate to use newspaper or towels as well; they will absorb some of the spills. Rinse thoroughly with water after baking soda, then dry completely before continuing your regular cleaning routines.
6. You Can Use Salt if You Prefer

If you’ve spilled an entire bottle of liquid detergent or soap, don’t panic. Instead, you can use salt to clean it up.
Many people think this is the best way to deal with a spill because salt will absorb any remaining liquid and prevent it from staining.
Mix one part salt with two parts water to form a paste. Use this mixture as a scrubby pad to remove any remaining soap or detergent from the surface of your furniture.
Salt also removes stains on nonporous surfaces like counters and tile floors. If you have hardwood floors or other porous surfaces, however, it will not work as well in this regard because it cannot penetrate those spaces as easily as other cleaning agents can.
7. Use the Right Cleaning Solution for the Job

If you’ve spilled liquid soap or detergent, the best way to clean it up is to use the right cleaning solution.
Liquid dishwashing detergent is a mixture of sodium carbonate and washing soda, both alkaline ingredients that help break down fats in soap.
The detergent itself doesn’t smell very good, but if you clean it up with a mild ammonia-based solution, you’ll be safe from any odors.
Ammonia-based cleaners are an effective and safe way to clean up spills of liquid dishwashing detergent. After you’ve cleaned up the spill with a mild ammonia-based cleaner, pour 1/8 cup of ammonia into a bucket and add 2 cups of warm water.
Mix well with a spoon or spatula until the ammonia dissolves in the water. Then use this solution as directed on your product label.
8. Don’t Use Hot Water To Clean Up a Liquid Spill

This is because it will cause the spilled soap to become dry and hard, making it even more difficult to remove. So instead, use cold water and gently blot the area with paper towels.
If you have a large spill, use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the soap. When you use hot water, the heat will help dry the area, but it can cause damage to the flooring and is not recommended.
9. Dispose of Soapy Liquid in the Trash

When cleaning up liquid soap spills, throw away the soapy water in your trash. If you don’t have a drain in your sink, pour the soapy water down the drain.
If there is no drain in your sink and you can’t pour the soap down the drain, place a bowl under your running faucet and let it fill with water. Then, run cold water over the soapy area until the soap is removed from your countertop or floor.
Always protect yourself from getting soap under your fingernails by wearing gloves and washing your hands thoroughly after using liquid soaps or detergents.
Even if you are wearing gloves and washing your hands thoroughly, the chemicals used in these products can cause skin irritation.
You should also ensure that pets do not lick their paws after using liquid soaps or detergents because they can get sick from ingesting trace amounts of these chemicals.
If you have a spill on your hands, wash them immediately with soap and water before wiping any excess liquid with paper towels or rags.
Then wash your clothing in cold water with bleach to eliminate any traces of these chemicals remaining on them after washing them with soap and water.
10. Allow Some Air To Circulate Around the Spill

If you have a spill near an open window or door, allow some air to circulate the area, and this will help dry up any moisture that may still be present on your floor. If possible, use a fan to blow air over where the spill is located.
The faster you dry out any remaining moisture, the better off you’ll be cleaning up after yourself and preventing mold from growing in your home.
Cleaning up a liquid soap mess can be frustrating and time-consuming, but if you know how to do it, you’ll be able to accomplish the task in a fraction of the time it takes to clean normal spills.
You can approach cleaning up liquid soap/detergent spills in various ways. After all, it’s neither the first time nor the last time you’re likely to encounter one.
However, the tips from this article, like using a clean sponge, spraying the area with baking soda, and using paper towels to absorb the liquid, can help you clean up liquid soap or detergent spills a lot easier.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Get Spilled Liquid Out of the Carpet?
You can get liquid soap/detergent out of your carpet by using the following steps:
- Remove as much of the spill as possible. Use a damp towel or sponge to absorb as much of the spill as possible, then blot and vacuum up any remaining debris.
- Pour 1/4 cup of white vinegar onto the stain and sit for 20 minutes.
- Wipe up any excess vinegar with a wet cloth and let it air dry completely before vacuuming.
How Do You Clean Laundry Detergent off the Floor?
When you spill laundry detergent on the floor, it can be a real mess. The best way to clean it up is to use water and a paper towel or napkin.
- Use water to dilute the detergent as much as possible.
- Apply the diluted detergent to the stain with a damp cloth or sponge, then allow it to sit on the area for about 5 minutes before blotting up any excess liquid with a dry towel or paper towel.
- If necessary, repeat steps 2 and 3 until no more detergent comes from the area you have cleaned.