Hardwood is known for its durability and elegance, making it an ideal flooring option. However, cleaning sticky spills and correctly maintaining the floor is necessary to increase longevity.
To clean sticky hardwood floors:
- Fill a bucket with warm water.
- Add one cup of vinegar to the bucket and mix it.
- Dip a mop into the solution.
- Wring out the mop.
- Rub it over the sticky hardwood floor until it’s clean.
There are many ways to clean the sticky mess from your hardwood floors, so we have written a complete guide to help you pick the right method for yourself.
5 Ways To Clean Sticky Hardwood Floors
Hardwood flooring looks beautiful, and cleaning it is the key to keeping it that way. Especially around areas prone to water damage, like the kitchen or bathroom flooring, extra work is needed to ensure the floor doesn’t become sticky.
The best approach to avoiding sticky hardwood floors is to mop any spill as soon as it happens and follow a regular cleaning schedule.
Sometimes, the protective covering on the hardwood flooring can also get stripped away due to harsh cleaning chemicals, turning it a little sticky to the feel.
There are multiple ways to clean this sticky mess and restore the condition of your hardwood floor.
1. Using Vinegar and Warm Water

Vinegar is a staple that almost everyone has in their pantry. With some warm water and a little bit of vinegar, you can turn your sticky hardwood floors as good as new.
Start by pouring a gallon or four liters of warm water into a bucket, and mix in a cup of white vinegar to create your cleaning solution. Next, dip a mop into the solution, coating it properly before taking it out and wringing it out.
Once you’ve gotten rid of all the extra wetness and the mop is damp, use it to scrub the sticky and dirty areas. Only apply moderate pressure to avoid damaging the surface of the hardwood floors.
You can also take a microfiber cloth and dampen it with the mixture to get precise and clean the spots where the mop can’t reach.
Repeat the same motions until the floor is squeaky clean.
2. Using Floor Cleaner and Hot Water

Another way to clean a sticky hardwood floor is to use a cleaner and some hot water. Add some cleaner into a bucket of hot water and stir it properly to create a mixture.
Ensure you use a clean and safe hardwood cleaner to avoid damaging the floors.
Now, dip your mop into the mixture and wring it out. Rub it over the sticky areas on the floor, re-wetting and mopping as needed.
3. Using Household Ammonia and Hot Water

If the sticky mess on your hardwood floor has gotten a little severe, take the help of some household ammonia you might find lying amidst your cleaning supplies.
To begin, get a bucket full of hot water and pour half a cup of household ammonia into it. Repeat the same steps as above, using a mop to clean and scrub any dirt or stickiness off the floor.
Household ammonia is low in concentration. However, it is still advisable to use safety gloves when working with ammonia or harsh chemicals to avoid any contact with the skin.
Once you have cleaned the spills, you need to rinse the ammonia off the floor. An easy way to do this is by mixing hot water and vinegar, pouring it over the floor, thoroughly rinsing, and then wiping it off.
Finally, let the floor air dry completely, and there should be no stickiness left.
4. Using a Steam Mop

If you don’t want to risk using any chemicals on your hardwood flooring, try using a steam mop to get rid of the sticky mess.
Just select your preferred settings on the mop based on how dirty or sticky the floor is, and let the mop do its job. A great thing about this method is that the steam from the mop also kills 99.9% of the household bacteria as you rub it over the floor.
5. Using Liquid Soap and Hot Water

Another alternative to cleaning sticky hardwood floors is liquid soap and hot water.
Before you start, use a vacuum cleaner or broom to clear any dirt so you can focus on the sticky area. Next, create the solution by adding 1/4th cup of soap into a bucket of hot water and mixing it thoroughly.
Now, dip the mop into the solution, wring it out, and rub it over the hardwood floor with light pressure. Repeat the steps as needed, and that’s about it!
Use less water and completely dry the floor, as leaving it wet will cause the hardwood floor to buckle.

To wrap it up, we have discussed how you can clean sticky hardwood floors using vinegar and warm water, floor cleaner, steam mop, and other methods.
We hope this article has given you all the necessary solutions, and now you can improve the outlook of your hardwood floor.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Is My Hardwood Floor Sticky After Mopping?
If your hardwood floor feels sticky after mopping, it means that your cleaning liquid and water ratio is off. To fix this, you need to reduce the quantity of cleaner or increase the amount of water you use to clean.
How Do I Keep My Hardwood Floors Shiny?
To make sure that the shine in your hardwood floor lasts a long time, make a habit of cleaning it with a dry microfiber pad and mop daily, and polish the floors every 2 to 3 months.
What Is the Easiest Way To Restore Hardwood Floors?
If the hardwood floor in your house has dulled over time and you want to restore its shine and color, try applying a coat of revitalizing gloss over it to get the job done without spending a lot of money.