Tile flooring in your home is a great way to improve your space. But tiles only look their best when they are clean and sparkling. If the tile floor loses its sheen, they look worn out and old.
Fortunately, tiles are one of the easier flooring options to maintain. So, how do you make tile floors shine?
Maintaining your tile floor appeal is easy with regular cleaning.
You can make your tile floor shine by following the steps below:
- Sweeping and vacuuming it.
- Choosing a suitable cleaning solution.
- Cleaning with a mop or spray.
- Cleaning or replacing the grout.
To get the best sheen on your tile, don’t let it air dry, as water tends to form spots as it evaporates. Instead, dry the floor with a dry cloth soon after mopping.
This article elaborates on the steps to make your tile shine and tips to keep the sheen longer.
Steps on How To Make Tile Floors Shine
Regular cleaning is the trick to making your tile floor look shining. Moreover, spending a few minutes cleaning the tiles often saves you hours of cleaning in the long run. But if you clean your tiles often, don’t use harsh chemicals or cleaning agents.
Particularly, if you have a porcelain tile or tile made from many stones, be very particular about the cleaning agent you use, as they are sensitive to strong acids, bases, or both cleaning agents.
Below we elaborate more on the steps to make your tile floors shine.
Step #1: Sweep and Vacuum

Begin by sweeping the tile. This step is to remove loose debris and dirt from the floor. As a general tool, it’s best before wet-cleaning, you remove the loose dirt and debris to help reduce the dirt you have to deal with when wet-cleaning.
After sweeping the tile’s surface, take the drying a notch further and vacuum the floor. Vacuuming helps to remove tiny dust particles that may have settled during the sweeping stage. Vacuuming tile with brush rollers is ideal as they get most of the dirt that wasn’t wholly loose and won’t scratch or damage the tile’s surface.
Step #2: Choose a Cleaner

The next thing to do is choose a cleanser suitable for your tile. There are several cleaning solutions you can use.
A general cleaning solution you can use for most tiles is dish soap. Making a soapy solution with dish soap will handle most of the cleaning needs for most tiles.
You can opt for stronger cleaning solutions for tough stains if they don’t affect your tiles. Vinegar is a common natural acidic cleaning solution that helps pull out stubborn stains.
You can also make a baking soda paste if your tiles handle an abrasive cleanser. Ammonia solution is a bleach you can use on your tile if it isn’t sensitive to base solutions.
Step #3: Clean or Replace the Grout

The grout should be the first part of the tile you clean. It has enormous pores that easily soak stains, which can change its color, thus making your tiles look old and dusty. However, you can clean the group using hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, vinegar paste, or other bleach.
If the nature of the grout is too dirty, then it might be best to scrape it off and replace it with new grout to update the looks of your tiles. Replacing the grout is more tasking, so always try cleaning it before thinking about replacing it.
To clean the grout, apply a cleaning solution and allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes, burning using a brush to agitate the stains. Ensure you rinse with clean water, and repeat the step if necessary.
Step #4: Clean With a Mop or a Spray

Prepare the cleaning solution and start cleaning the tiles. Use a mop if the area you want to clean is broad.
But you’re better off using a spray bottle and a clean rag for small areas like countertops. Damp a mop in the cleaning solution and distribute it on the tiles until it is covered.
Wait about 5 minutes for the cleaning solution to soften the dirt on the surface of the tiles, then get to work scrubbing it. When you start scrubbing, take your time to cover each area on the floor.
Clean the entire tiles multiple times to get the best result. After cleaning, rinse with clean water and dry it with a dry rag.
Tips To Keep Tile Floor Shiny

Now that you have cleaned your tile floor and it looks shiny, you might wonder how you keep it looking shiny.
Below are tips to help you maintain the sheen of your tiles.
Place a Floor Mat at the Entrance
At the entrance to the area with the tiles, place a floor mat there. This will help people wipe their feet before entering the area. As such, it reduces the dust and sand in contact with the tiles.
So, when people walk in, they don’t leave a track of dust behind them. But ensure you clean the floor mat regularly for it to be more effective at capturing dirt.
Remove Shoes Before Entering the House
Keeping shoes outside before coming into the area with the tiles is another brilliant way to keep the sheen of your tiles. By keeping shoes outside, you wouldn’t have to worry about trapped rocks, sticks, and other objects on the bottom of shoes that can scratch the tile or sealer.
Tackle Spills Immediately.
Spills can make your tile sticky. So, clean them up immediately rather than allowing them to dry on your tile, which can trap dirt and debris.
Use a soft clean cloth and water to clean spills immediately; it helps keep your tiles shining for longer. Use dish soap if there is residue on the spot.
Avoid Wax
Using wax on your tile may initially make your floor shiny, but tile tends to trap dirt and debris over time. Moreover, after some time, its surface looks scratched and dull.
Also, wax creates a thick layer that looks dingy after every application. So, it’s best to avoid using wax on your tiles if keeping them shiny is a priority.

Overall, keeping your tile shiny is as easy as cleaning it regularly. But be very specific about the cleaning solution you use on your tiles. Some tiles are susceptible, and harsh chemicals will do more harm than good.
For example, using a highly acidic or basic cleaning solution on multicolored tiles can cause their color to fade. So, ensure you use a natural cleaning solution suitable for your floor, clean it regularly, and use the tips we shared to keep the tiles shining.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Matte Tiles Be Glossy?
Cleaning a matte floor will not make it glossy. In this case, you will need a tile sealer with the amount of gloss you want. And for the best result, ensure you clean the tile before applying the sealant.
What Is the Best Way To Shine Tile Floor?
The best way to shine tile floors is by cleaning them thoroughly. Dishsoap and clean water are often sufficient in most cases. But for tough stains, you can use vinegar, baking soda, or ammonia.