The balcony is a great place to relax after a busy day. But the balcony can be a haven for bird droppings and dust. As such, like your interior, the balcony must be cleaned regularly.
Cleaning a balcony floor can feel like an exercise in futility most times. But there are simple techniques you can use to clean your balcony floor. So, how do you clean a balcony floor?
Cleaning the balcony floor is easy as long as you have the basic cleaning supplies and some spare time. But first, declutter and remove furniture on the balcony. Sweep the dust and debris and clean the floor using the following depending on the nature of the stain:
- Laundry detergent for rust.
- Dish detergent for leaf stain.
- Commercial degreaser for grease stain.
- TSP for oil stain.
- Diluted bleach for mildew or mold.
Cleaning your balcony floor with appropriate supplies is vital to protecting its surfaces.
This article will enlighten you on the easy steps to clean a balcony floor.
Step-by-Step Guide on How To Clean a Balcony Floor
When you want to clean a balcony floor, the material used on the floor and the nature of the stain determine the type of cleaning material you use. Also, start cleaning from the top, and walking your way to the bottom is best.
Meaning you should clean the railing first and then the floor. You will have to deep-clean your balcony floor if you haven’t cleaned it in a while. But after the deep cleaning, it’s best to clean the floor at least once every two weeks.
If done regularly, you will only be required to brush the dust and wash the balcony. And the whole cleaning process won’t need much longer than a few minutes to complete.
Step #1: Clear the Balcony

You will be able to clean more thoroughly when the balcony is empty. Most people’s balconies have flowers, plants, furniture, and other outdoor items.
So, the first thing you want to do when you want to clean the floor properly is to clear the items. Since most furniture on the balcony can get in the way of navigating while cleaning, it can be challenging to clean the entire area thoroughly.
Step #2: Sweep Dust and Debris

With a stiff broom, sweep the dust ad debris off the balcony. Dirt and debris often build up in tight corners, so ensure you reach there.
To reach tight, difficult spots that brooms can’t get to, use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attached. If something is stuck to the floor, loosen it with a plastic scraper.
Step #3: Scrub Rust Off With Laundry Detergent

Next, use a mop or sponge to clean the balcony. The water will help break down stubborn dirt the broom can’t remove. Different floors react differently to different types of detergents.
So, it’s best to always opt for a neutral pH detergent which is often gently on the floor. But if there is rust on the floor, use a detergent with baking soda for more cleaning power. If the rust stain is tough, you can use muriatic acid.
Step #4: Scrub Leaf Stains Off With Dish Detergent

If there are leaves stains on the balcony floor, it’s best to use dish detergent. Mix 1/2 cup or 120 ml of the dish detergent in a bucket with 3 gallons or 11 liters of water. With a stiff-bristle brush, pour the solution on the floor and scrub.
For more cleaning power, you can sprinkle powdered laundry detergent on the stain, scrub it, and rinse it off.
Step #5: Clean Grease Stains With a Commercial Degreaser

If there are grease stains on the balcony, any degreaser from the hardware store should work to remove them. So, spray the degreaser on the area with the grease stain so it’s thoroughly coated. Allow it to soak for a couple of minutes, then scrub the stain off with a stiff-bristled brush.
Step #6: Scrub Oil Stains Off With Trisodium Phosphate Detergent

Trisodium phosphate detergent is an excellent cleaner you can get from the nearest hardware store to remove oil stains. To use TSP, mix one-part with six parts of water. You can also add calcium carbonate or talc powder to the mixture to thicken it.
Spread the paste over the stain and allow it to dry for at least 24 hours. When dry, scrub with a stiff brush and rinse with clean water.
Step #7: Scrub With Diluted Bleach To Remove Mildew and Mold

Use bleach to remove mildew and mold stains from your balcony. The bleach kills the molds on contact and prevents them from returning. When handling bleach, wear protective equipment like masks, gloves, and safety glasses.
To dilute the bleach, mix an equal part of the bleach with water, and add it to a spray bottle. After cleaning the area with ordinary detergent, spray the bleach solution on the area, let sit for 10 minutes, and then brush to lift the stain.
Step #8: Deep Clean With a Pressure Washer

If you want to clean the balcony deep, you can rent a pressure washer from a hardware store or buy one. Connect it to a hose and set the machine’s pressure to about 3500 PSI. Hold the hose about 8 inches off the ground and clean the floor, using back-and-forth strokes across the floor.
Step #9: Rinse With Clean Water

When you finish the cleaning, rinse the floor thoroughly with clean water. If you have access to a hose close to the balcony, spray it down to rinse it. If you don’t have a hose near you, then fill a bucket with water and wipe the floor down.
If you live in an apartment with someone below yours, stick with a mop, as hosing down the balcony will cause water to drop down to the lower balcony.
Step #10: Seal the Floor To Prevent Stains

Finally, when the floor dries, you can seal the floor. This step depends on your flooring type and how aggressive the cleaning was.
For example, if you have a concrete or wooden floor, sealing it after cleaning is necessary. When you use a sealant, allow it dry and cure completely before using your balcony.
Cleaning the floor of your balcony doesn’t have to be such a complex task. With these few simple tips shared in this guide, you should be able to clean your balcony with ease. And the more often you clean the balcony, the less effort it will take any time you want to clean it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Clean an Outdoor Carpet on the Balcony?
Outdoor carpets on the balcony are prone to stains and odor. To clean it, you need a carpet cleaning solution, stain remover, and a vacuum cleaner for regular upkeep. When you clean a carpet, it’s best to allow it to dry completely before replacing furniture.
How To Avoid Dripping When Cleaning a Balcony?
If your balcony is not the first one off the ground, it’s best to use a vacuum cleaner to avoid dripping. The vacuum cleaner prevents using excess water on the balcony while cleaning. But it’s best to remove dirt and grimes from the floor before using a vacuum cleaner.